Imagination Station Basic & Bonus Supplies
The supplies with the star can be purchase at Group.com or Concordiasupply.com.
Both companies offer group packets that includes the Basic Imagination Supplies. These are all the supplies you can purchase at 10/package for both Preschool and Elementary Students.
The Bonus Supplies can be purchased at Guildcraftinc.com Supplies are limited so if you are going to include the bonus activities, please order asap.
There are non-perishable items you can provide ahead of time for your students in the VBS student packets but there are items that you can let the parents know to have ready for Wednesdays Vine Diner Snack Station.
Hand out the VBS Overview Schedule so parents will know what is coming up each day.
For shovel spoons you can also buy from Amazon.com
Bonus Supplies
If you want to, here are some additional supplies that can be added to the Student VBS Packet. All these items can be used during the VBS in addition to the Basic Imagination Station Bundle.
You can purchase these items at group.com or concondiasupply.com
**If you purchase the group packets already put together from Group.com or Concordiasupply.com, some of these items are included so please check carefully.